Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fun with Dye

I had a few items of white clothing that weren't so white anymore, and I had the idea that it would be fun to try and dye them to get a second life out of them. Have you tried looking for Rit dye lately? It's harder than one might think - at least here anyway. I tried craft stores, fabric stores, a hardware store, and big grocery stores, all to no avail.

Thankfully my Mom came through for me, as moms always do, and found some at a hardware store in a different state. Much to Mike's dismay, I had her pick up two different shades of brown for me.

And here are the final results - not exactly perfect matches to the colors on the box, but I'm pretty happy with them nevertheless.


K and S said...

that is a very good way to keep clothes that aren't white anymore. You could also use tea or coffee to dye your clothing naturally, though it will be much lighter.

Lindsay-Jean said...

Definitely something for me to keep in mind for the future! I'd rather do it naturally, and have tried using tea before, I was just hoping to get richer browns. Next time I'll have to try coffee!