Thursday, July 29, 2010

Five Years

Today marks our five year wedding anniversary, and due to momentous events like moving back to the States, buying a house, fixing up the house, etc etc, the only trip we'll be taking to celebrate is a trip down memory lane!

We went on our honeymoon early, before getting married, and spent a week in Paris. The temperatures were unusually cold - the Eiffel Tower and Montmartre cemetery both closed due to "ice" and "snow" for a couple days, and we had to sleep in our coats and hats to stay warm. But seeing The Gates of Hell covered in snow at the Rodin Museum, having a snowball fight on the grounds of the Palace of Versailles, and enjoying fantastic (yet cheap) daily meals of cheese, wine, and fresh baguettes all helped to make it a wonderful and memorable week.

So we're celebrating tonight with wee glasses of Farigoule, a thyme flavored liqueur that we enjoyed in Paris, and got a hold of recently thanks to some help from a friend. Here's to five wonderful years and many more to come!

1 comment:

JohnnyMacG said...

Very Sweet!