Sunday, December 14, 2008

CSA Stovetop Cooking 4


I was putting off attempting to cook with the yamaimo in our CSA box (Japanese mountain yam - in this post it is the thicker lighter object in the top photo) as M had previously described the unique texture of this vegetable to me.

The yamaimo is prized for its neba neba consistency (sounds nicer than "really slimy" does) when grated. The grated result is in the dish in the top left of the photo, which we then mixed with rice. Not being a huge fan of goo, I also tried it raw (bottom left) and covered in panko and broiled (bottom right).

The broiled version was the best of the bunch, but lets just say that the yamaimo probably won't be my favorite new food from Japan. In fact, if it shows up in our CSA box again, I might just slip it into someone else's!

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